
My name is Kenny Goodin and I’m a software engineer with over a decade of experience across a variety of domains. Some highlights:

  • leading a team in launching a distributed game server network that scaled to over thirty million registered users and a million monthly active users, in a partnership with Microsoft in a $2 billion dollar industry
  • reverse engineering a game with no source code access to build a transparent, robust, and performant proxy to translate between divergent network protocols (both in layer 4 protocol, TCP <-> UDP, and layer 7) and allow previously-unsupported game clients to connect to existing server infrastructure at a fraction of the time and cost it would take to build bespoke infrastructure
  • building robust backends for distributed eSports tournaments
  • building intelligent runtime analysis tools that instrument business applications as they run and track untrusted data from sources to vulnerable sinks, flagging active exploit patterns and surfacing vulnerabilities before they’re exploited
  • Improving a struggling, slow pipeline of test suites from a runtime of 3-4 hours to ~20 minutes by building a Hashicorp stack of Consul, Vault, and Nomad. This pipeline orchestrated tens of thousands of automated tests across hundreds of containers to ensure stability across the JVM’s vast ecosystem, from Java 1.6 up to modernity, and across JVMS (IBM, Oracle, OpenJDK) and frameworks (Tomcat, GlassFish, Grizzly, WebSphere, to name a few).
  • building secure, fast, and reliable client-facing CLI and GUI applications, secure relays, and distributed backend systems to provide seamless, instant, audited access management; zero-trust, granular authorization; and fully encrypted, real-time audit trails of queries to/from infrastructure within business networks


  • Java, Go, Rust
  • gRPC, GraphQL, HTTP, REST
  • 6502/x86 Assembly, Reverse Engineering
  • Databases, Distributed Computing
  • Cloud, Containers, Orchestration
  • Unix, SSH, Git
  • Networking, TCP, UDP, DNS
  • Security
  • CI/CD
  • Team Leadership, Mentoring